Jim Tarbox/Chrysler Dealer

Interviews Contact:
Larry Garrison
What if tomorrow...everything you worked for...all your wealth, your job or business, and your rights were taken away from you and given to someone else. How would you feel?
That is what happened to Jim Tarbox, the highest performing Chrysler dealer in Rhode Island for years and in the top 5% nationally, winning awards of excellence. At 42 years of age, Jim, a third generation car dealer who is married with three young girls, worked in the car business his entire life. Due to his success, performance and ability Chrysler urged him to purchase another dealership in neighboring MA. Jim states that "Chrysler made promises of getting me a Dodge Franchise, and Chrysler was offering me financial support to relocate." Jim made the purchase and now claims that “Chrysler used their promises as leverage,” because after Jim purchased the dealership, Chrysler said the only way he could get the Dodge Franchise was if they could put another Jeep franchise in his market in RI. Jim protested under the State Franchise Laws. Chrysler subsequently went bankrupt, closing down 789 dealerships, including both of Jim's, even though he was ranked in the top 5% nationally for sales. Jim Tarbox’s opinion is that “This corrupt Manufacturer didn’t use the actual criteria to shut down his dealerships, but instead used retaliation and retribution to eliminate a top selling dealer due to his protests against them.” Jim now still owes for two businesses he no longer has and faces bankruptcy. He will be wiped out completely!
Jim Tarbox lost his American Dream, and he feels he let his family and employees down. He is now ready to come forward and expose the entire truth, in spite of the major consequences he may face in the future. It is time for the public to know what is really going on.
